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Speaking & Conversation

In our Speaking & Conversation sessions, we will look at a range of everyday scenarios where you might need to use English, such as travel, food and drink, making small talk, or discussing your hobbies and interests. You will be doing all the talking, and will spend the majority of each session in a Zoom 'breakout' room, working through a series of tasks with your speaking partner - so you really will have plenty of opportunities to speak (and listen) during the session. The tasks will be available on the platform before the live session begins, as will a key vocabulary worksheet, and if you have time to look at them then please do so. You will get more out of the session and commit more of the new vocabulary to memory if you have familiarised yourself with the material before the session itself. However, if you don't have time to do that, it's not a problem, and it won't prevent you from finding the session a useful learning experience. This is 100% designed to be a fun speaking session, and working through the tasks with your speaking partner (in the privacy of a breakout room) will enable you able to relax, enjoy it, and take a few risks with your English without feeling self-conscious. As with all of our courses, there is a strong emphasis on vocabulary, and your instructor will encourage you to think about ways of recording new words which offer easy access, so that you can go back to them when required. Speaking and Conversation sessions are included FREE OF CHARGE to those with a subscription to one of our courses.

Business English Accelerator B2 / C1, £49.00/month
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